Kaitlyn Pruetting
Editor & Artist

The Editor & Artist - On this project, she focuses heavily on the technical side: Keeping the project on track, editing chapters, fixing grammar, and moral support, not to mention all of the cool digital art!

As an aspiring artist with a degree in horticulture, Katie has always shown favoritism for creativity. She dabbles in writing, painting, drawing in all kinds of media, and digital art that focuses heavily on character design. Although on this project, she focuses heavily on the technical side: Keeping the project on track, editing chapters, fixing grammar, and moral support. She's been friends with Triston since childhood, which is a big reason why they work so well together. Katie and Triston both say that they're two halves of a functioning human brain; neither is as strong without the other!
You can follow her on Instagram to get a taste of some of the other projects she's working on with other collaborators. It's mostly just art right now, but there are big things planned for the near future!

Instagram: @evergreen654
Youtube Channel